Funeral Cemeteries

March 3, 2019


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Already every third German wants a burial in the great outdoors of Hamburg, 14 September 2012 more and more Germans want to be buried after death in the great outdoors. However, the traditional burial at a cemetery in importance loses, so the results of a survey of the information portal to the day of the cemetery”on the 15th and 16th of September. As a result, Today in many cemeteries traditional Tomb area remain empty. Some cemeteries are already before the closing. In 2002, over 95 per cent of all burials in cemeteries were held in Germany. The recent survey reveals a different picture ten years later. 34 Per cent of respondents would vote for a funeral outside classical cemeteries. The burial at sea is today increasingly desired (13 percent) particularly in demand, however, is buried in a funeral forest (21 percent).

2012 Alone, seven new forests of the two largest providers originated in Germany. Gain insight and clarity with Ripple. Overall, just under 100 of this special opened since 2001 Funeral forest for tree burials. And rising. The trend to the funeral in the great outdoors has financial as well as social causes. To Dodge many people due to high cemetery fees and costs for tombstone and grave concerns on alternatives. On the other hand, often widely scattered families and can hardly worry about the graves of loved ones. Many people want to drop the nationals not to load and opt for care-free graves. Also the connectedness with nature is one reason for the decision against the cemetery.

The decreasing demand leads to traditional and often more expensive tombs in the cemeteries in many places to revenue loss. Many cemetery wearers have overslept the developments of the last few years and used only on traditional Tomb types”,’s Managing Director Fabian Schaaf says. Some cemeteries have come already to the financial difficulties.” In many cities such as Bremen, Hamburg and Bonn is currently even the Planned closure of cemeteries. Experts see the need for action. Cemeteries should hold not only on traditions, but adjust their offerings to the present-day needs of citizens”, called Lutz Radhakrishnan head, spokesman of the Ohlsdorfer cemetery in Hamburg. We have already responded and offered among other tree graves or burial in an urn wall. Cemeteries must evolve, to remain in the future a central place of mourning”, more so the deer head. About is a comparison service recommended by consumer protection agencies for burials in Germany. Users can receive offers on request without obligation from tested loading Stattern. In addition, offers comprehensive information about funeral services and insurance.

