Francisco Arias Solis

February 28, 2018


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The phrase of Cicero public health for public health professionals is the law Supreme has been a dogma. In the world of the first decade of the 21st century must recognize that there is a far more Supreme than the public health law and the health of the planet. Today are made more apparent connections between ecology and health and also between ecology and development in the future probabilities. We know that we can not continue increasing our levels of life infinite way due to the limits imposed on us by our system. When the report the limits to growth was published, he was wheeled by many of doom.

The same authors, most recently in its report beyond the limits of growth: sustainable future or global collapse, revising their earlier predictions. In its latest report, they describe a new concept to describe the reality of the overuse of resources, the sobrepasamiento, which means to go beyond the limits inadvertently. It is not already warn about what might happen if we go on like this, but describe the irreversible damage that are already happening. The phenomenon, unknown until recently jobless growth, can subtract in the near future based on developmental policies. In countries such as France, United Kingdom and Germany has reached incredible proportions and may worsen in the near future.

The three countries have increased its GDP by more than 200 percent in the last 45 years without any positive impact on the level of occupancy of their populations. In addition to their ecological impact, developmental models have had a huge impact on health systems. In any health system, even in the most developed countries, the formal, professionalized part and monetarizada is only a small fraction, resting the system primarily in relationships and informal care provided by the individuals themselves, their families or community, and not assuming any transaction. The erosion of this informal health system is so big, and so unfeasible in financial terms its monetisation, who has begun to develop among its priority lines of work programs for the preservation and development of self-care, self-help and social support. And is that you as the poet said: built a labyrinth that was exact replica / of which already built. And another sealed tomb / and in truth it is not known where he was buried. / Be doesn’t even know if it is that he was buried. Francisco Arias Solis. Cadiz with Garzon. Democrats with the judge BALTASAR GARZON Association by a democratic justice and a dignified judiciary. Internet for peace and freedom and free forum.

