Forest Finance

October 3, 2014


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Bonn forest investment provider ForestFinance awarded with graduates and interns for fair dealing. “The Bonn party sustainable forest investments ForestFinance received the seal of approval fair company” for socially exemplary treatment of employees. With the fair company”seal are awarded, providing real opportunities for the future graduates, instead of schlechtbezahlte placements. “The magazine career” the “Fair Company” seal of quality awards who actively oppose the exploitation of so-called companies, “generation internship” Act. Fair company”company must offer a comprehensive career orientation during the training interns, rather than to use them as permanent trainees without perspective. A positive interaction with interns and graduates is nothing new for ForestFinance. The Bonn company has for years regularly preferred graduates and offers you in addition diverse and extensive training opportunities.

An internship in the company is only While studying possible, but not later. In recent years, however, more and more companies full-time built up substitute poorly paid internships. These are often replaced by committed graduates, a promotion of qualified junior staff there however. To counter this, it has career “magazine the initiative fair company” launched. This endeavor means for ForestFinance: no substitution of full-time or part-time positions with interns. Graduates are not put off in job advertisements and job interviews with an internship.

No advertising of interns with the vague prospect of a subsequent full-time position. Internships are for professional guidance and also will be rewarded with an adequate allowance. The career-desk monitors compliance with this fair company”criteria. In addition, graduates and interns on the career website the opportunity to have Company violations of the fair company “criteria to report. ForestFinance can succeed in the long term only as international company, if participate also their staff’s success. Teamwork, dedication, and last but not least qualification are essential for this. Employee engagement contributes significantly to the long-term performance of a company according to the company. It is therefore logical for ForestFinance to the initiative fair company”to participate in and to engage in a responsible handling with future specialists and executives.

