Financial System

September 18, 2019


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The recent performance of international the financial system and proposals of possible reforms As all crisis of the period after-Breton Woods and, specifically, after 1973, the recent one derogated of international the financial system not only brought to tona the fragilities of this system for the center of the economic debates, as well as placed to the test its real effectiveness, over all in developing countries. The fury of the contributor in helping mega private groups that had speculated with papers of high risk and until rotten seems to have generated a consensus enters the whole world economists, for which the necessity of a reform of international the financial system urges. One remodels moderate and that it does not imply reduction of the investments or the international trade, but a reduction, in special, of the speculative movements of short term. However, such phenomenon has costs extremely high politicians, in the measure where it demands a true supranational concert, in which the biggest economies of the planet, today represented for the G-20, to regulate are made use it chances of valuation of the capital of the great financial groups, over all the societies of collective investment. To insert itself in this debate, an analysis not only becomes necessary of as the Financial Mundializao evolved 1945 after (what it is made in item 1), but also an understanding of the performance of international the financial system from colon of sight, of the investor and/or the speculator and of the government (item 2). Thus, we can verify if the benefits of international the financial system surpass the damages caused for it and have conditions to trace future perspectives for this system (item 3). 1.Evoluo of the deregulation of International the Financial System 2008/2009 the financial crisis of and the crisis in development in 2011 expoem, one more time, the sistmicas fragilities of an international financial regimen essentially desregulamentado (what the Americans call foot-loose, that is, the financial system have ' ' foot solto' '). .

