Finance Ministry

October 28, 2015


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And it's almost $ 40 billion. was extremely polite in the estimates when concluded: "These figures government debt and, most importantly, the dynamics, it is not even critical, and on the verge on the brink of disaster." Interestingly, the Chamber also found a whopping registry in budget revenues. Judging by articulated earlier version of the Finance Ministry, the failure of budget revenues was within 11.8% or 30 billion uah. However, new evidence suggests that there was an attempt to manipulate the figures to present them in the best possible light during the campaign. In particular, revenues were listed as 14 billion usd.

received from the imf, the overpayment of tax is actually two months at the rate another 14 billion uah and non-return of vat to 23 bln. Thus, "Difference in views" was not less than 45%. On the background of the said statistics already sounded quite logical ad head of the Accounting Chamber of technical default of Finance of Ukraine. The difference is money available in disposal of the Treasury as of 1 January this year, and its current liabilities amounted to almost 24 billion usd ($ 3 billion) at this time the gap has become even greater. The main reasons that led to a situation affairs in the public finance system, according to were improper lending of the national operator in the energy market – the company "Naftogaz Ukraine", as well as gross violations of the procedure pension funding. Given these data, the application of international rating agency Fitch, confirmed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) that in 2010 Ukraine will gdp growth of 3% looks like yet another feeble attempt to sugarcoat reality. .

