Federal Government

September 14, 2014


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“Now the Federal Government offers a kind of ‘Banking supervision light’ associations: then come a liberation of the providers of trade tax in their refinancing into consideration, if to them in return a ‘ restricted supervisory regime” subject. The Gottinger commercial lawyer finds additional supervisory costs ‘Proposed solution is a step in the right direction’. ‘Existing distortions of competition would be eliminated and a ‘stripped down ‘supervision would be viable for larger companies without further anyway,’ Gadre. To keep in mind is that even a limited supervision for smaller companies, may be appropriate in relation to income, non-negligible additional costs associated with. ‘ The legislature should be giving a right to vote Kleinstanbietern, renounce the benefits of banking privilege and to get rid of a regulation ‘, proposes the financing expert. Light ‘prudential supervision’ means new legal requirements for leasing and factoring provider new legal requirements for providers. The market would by then required approval to conduct business more difficult.

‘ Given the economic importance of an industry that posted a new business by around 54 billion in 2006, a reliability test of business leaders mostly banking is and basically to be welcomed manufacturer-independent providers, as well as the obligation to submit annual accounts, Gadre noted. ‘Especially for smaller vendors is however hoped that the legislator introduces not a strict personnel separation between sales and risk management.’ ‘Key is that a regulation will put in this year’, warns Gadre. Otherwise the also would affect funding and investment behavior of medium-sized companies and hence to further economic development in the Federal Republic of Germany as a whole. Contact information: Gundel & Reddy Kadiri Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH Theatre square 9 37073 Gottingen contact person: Dr. Matthias Gundel Managing Director phone: 0551-44343

