Familiar Agriculture

June 5, 2020


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The APLs if differentiates of the other types of grouping for presenting interactions between company and institutions. It does not mean that only the companies or institutions with local proximity can generate synergy, but yes one geographic concentration of companies who, from interactions, can get competitiveness profits. Click baby clothes for additional related pages. The important paper of the APL is to motivate the growth of the companies so that in the future, them if they become great averages and, changing of a platform of daily survival for the one of competitiveness and support of the businesses (OLIVEIRA, 2008). – Profile of Familiar Agriculture in the region of Guaraniau PR the products for commercialization that had been evidenced in the dezoitos properties of the region of Guaraniau? PR, are: milk and its derivatives as cheese, butter and cream; chicken for cuts, candy compotes and vegetable conserves, products of panificao as breads, cucas, big cookies, dreams; grape; horticulture; minhocultura and animal of the silk. These producers, are simple people, of escolaridade level low, some illiterates, but they possess great dreams and force to be successful.

In some properties, the pluriatividade was evidenced, where one of the spouses works outside of the country property in fixed services contributing with an income more. The difficulties found in some properties had been in the distance until the city, what it makes it difficult the commercialization of the products, acquisition of equipment to work with the farming and some techniques to develop in the production. Some producers find difficulties in acquiring loans or financings in the bank, for the reason of the requirements that are necessary to effect the operation. – Proposal of Strategies for local development of Familiar Agriculture in the region of Guaraniau – PR the city hall of the city of Guaraniau, together with some familiar producers, had initiated a partnership installing a center of purchases with the name of GRANARY OF the AGRICULTURIST.

