Eye Exercises

July 26, 2016


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Staring and forcing their vision are the worst things you can do to your eyes. After a long day of work, the eyes are tired and need to relax and renew itself to improve vision. Constant daily stress does more than damage to the eyes. Below are three exercises designed to eliminate eye strain. The first exercise is the point. To carry it out, halle a point or a comma in the page, and focus on making it as clear as possible. See this point firmly until it is focused.

There are high chances that, after a few seconds the point, in fact, becomes less clear and somewhat blurry. Try to relax your eyes. Close them for a minute and let them relax. Now see the same point without seeing it securely. See you not fixed; Instead, allow your eyes to move slowly by the page, above and around the point. Not only focus at this point, your eyes need movement.

Be sure to flutter a bit. Try to close their eyes and imagine the point, and then look at it again. Once their eyes have been relaxed, it should be easier to see the point. The second exercise is the word. Find a word in the page, five or more letters. See securely to the word, so that all letters are in sight. But without moving your eyes. Focusing entirely on the entire word, trying to obtain a better image in his head. Again, see staring and concentrate too much will cause the word lathe blurred. Now relax your eyes and allow them to move slowly above and around the word, along each of its letters. Blink. Allow that your eyes will lead it; do not force to look at what you want to see. The word should be clearer when you see it again. Leave that the eyes move will help you to work better, avoiding tension. The third exercise is double Vision. This exercise seeks to make your eyes work together. Most of the people uses only one eye to see an object, while the other makes theirs. Get cross-eyed can help you focus on a subject with both eyes, but this causes a unnecessary stress. The trick is to relax the eyes, focus on the object in a calm manner, and allow both eyes focusing together. Learning eye relaxation exercises is a great way to develop good and lasting habits that will assure a great vision for many years.

