Emplolyed Human Factor

May 5, 2020


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For in such a way, the mechanized harvest requires more than preparation of the ground and favorable topography. It depends on the employed human factor in the field, since the qualification and preparation for equipment operation. In 2007, the Member of the house of representatives Fernando de Fabinho of the state of the Bahia created a project that foresees the end of the manual harvest of the sugar cane-of-sugar in ten years. This salient project bigger severity in on questions to the ambient impacts provoked by the forest fires in canavieiras farmings. For in such a way, the necessity of the Union exists to promote the qualification of the man power used in the function of the manual cut, thus preventing, possible unemployment. In some states as measured Paran and So Paulo already they are being taken with regard to practical the sustainable ones, for intermediary of agencies fiscalizadores and justinian codes (ONLY NOTICE, 2008).

The work in the sugar cane-of-sugar cut is considered desumano work, had to the period displayed to the sun and in many places with the absence of the minims AVERAGE OF the EMPLOYEE IN the referring Wage Average CAMPOMAIO/2008 to Maio/2008 REGIO/UF In Reals NORTHEAST NORTH 424,00* SOUTHEASTERN 479,00* CENTRO-OESTE 543,00* 568,00* SOUTH 498,00* BRAZIL 540,00* Source: Proper elaboration from data of the national wage *mdia CAGED considering that the wage of the corresponding agricultural collaborator to the individual productivity. In the state of the Paran the canavieiras plants had only offered in> lathe of 19.304 new fronts of work during the six first months of 2007. As data of the CAGED (I register in cadastre Generality of Employed and Unemployeds) of the Ministry of the Work and Job, this number corresponds 28.7% in the total of acts of contract in the state. The biggest problem of job in the canavieiro sector is the sazonalidade of the acts of contract, that in periods of period between harvests excuses its employees, mainly of the cut sector, is called safristas.

