
January 11, 2018


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These so-called vital substances make high demands on the digestive power of metabolic organs namely always – in contrast to digestible cooked -. A performance that now but always less can be applied by the bodies of the unfortunate sufferers! The now insufficiently digested food (and accompanying materials) and yet to get rid of the resulting “excess acid waste”, developed the living organism for this purpose the respective investment-related regulatory mechanisms – then also the cradle is one of… The number of always early occurring (regulations-) now also to be observed symptoms, unexplained as the various shooting over reactions of the skin, respiratory tract, restlessness, – fatigue, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, heartburn, pain… are from experience again the bad result of a creeping excessive demands of metabolism. A probably very worrying development which is also favored by our business culture geared to consumer, from the (must) to arise necessarily economic dependencies and so also the danger, to the detriment of seeking help, the most absurd promises of solace benefit from economic.

A wealth of experience ensures education and objectively prepared facts and just today indispensable instructions and explanations offer you support in my first book the helpful support. Support reflected the observed (intracellular) Demineralisation – towards the better quality of life and as healthy aging. DerTitel of the book is “only sustainable food is healthy food”. This substantive appeal is aimed in particular at the future generations. For a sample, as well as the preface see ISBN 978-3-00-023363-0 and here at the end of even a recommendation to the natural relief of the (distinct) milk oil: compresses and baths with horsetail – horsetail, also called (pharmacy) – have on the affected skin calming and relaxing. Ulrike Wagner, Trier concerned with a sound more than exceptional knowledge of experience, acquired by a more than exceptional teacher

