Customer Service

May 16, 2019


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The ROWA service strengthened even further: 12 7. It’s still dark out. Eight engineers with headsets sitting already in Kelberg in front of their screens. A call comes in via the hotline and is immediately connected to a freelancer. Friendly is the caller helped, then the call is documented.

21 employees at ROWA, the market leader in automated warehouse for pharmacies, are alone in the hotline. It is important that our customers directly to a competent contact person, and not to any call center us. Therefore we employ only trained technicians at our hotline”, so Mario W. Muller, head of the ROWA – customer support. The hotline staff can directly help customers in most cases because they can dial in remotely over a secure Internet connection in the customer’s storage system. This dial is already regularly made to detect hidden defects and to ensure preventive maintenance. Change of location. In a ROWA service technicians comes a pharmacy in North Germany for regular maintenance.

The system is controlled, if necessary wear parts replaced and software updates are rolled out. This service is free of charge for our clients with a service contract level 2 “, Muller reports. All pharmacies are inspected twice routinely in the year, to avoid error or defective parts.” ROWA has established 20 service points in all over Germany for this purpose. This has the advantage that the technicians in case of problems can be an important safety aspect, which should not be neglected when the acquisition of an automatic warehouse within a very short time on the ground. More than 50 employees work in ROWA – customer service. Mario W. Muller summarizes its philosophy: we are the customer at the Center. Their satisfaction is our most important asset that we are available 365 days a year 24 hours for them. Guaranteed.”

