Chinese Traditional Medicine

April 25, 2020


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The Program Pass through the POLOEDUC (Polar region Education, Training and Management LTD) in partnership with ADFEGO (Association of the Physically Handicapped of the State of Gois), aims you prevent and treat diseases or functional disorders promoting the improvement of health and quality of life of people, who of not present financial conditions afford the treatment. Methods- We conducted descriptive study, dates were collected in PoloEduc ADFEGO in partnership with the period from March you May 2011. We checked profiles of 15 patients enrolled in PASS, you be evaluated and treated according you the PICs (and Complementary Practices) needed. Results- We found that 73% of patients were female and 27% male, main pathologies associated with muscle pain, joint pain, headache, insomnia, stress, back pain and impatience. Clinical Most of the patients had improvement of 80%.

Conclusion- From the dates presented in this research it is to clear that the profile of patients enrolled in the PASS is mostly women, unmarried, between 31 and 50 years, with the pathology of osteoarthritis is the most prevalent and degree of improvement in about 80%. Key words: ADFEGO, PASS, PIC. Introduction In accordance with Apostila de Basic Teorias of the MTC Acupuntura Bioenergtica (2009), exists innumerable theories regarding as the Chinese Traditional Medicine was developed. One gives credit that in the development of tools, ancestor had been able to notice that by chance certain parts of the body were cured of its pains while others were pricked by farpas of bones or rocks. It appeared then the treatment for needles of rock and bone and practical its, throughout the years, resulted in the therapy for acupuntura that arrives today until us. In the fulfilment of its attributions of coordination of the Only System of Sade (SUS) and establishment of politics to guarantee the completeness in the attention to the health, the Health department presents Practical the National Politics of Integrativas and Complementares (PNPIC) in the SUS, whose implementation involves nature justifications politics, technique, economic, social and cultural.

