Call Gallegos Spaniards

May 13, 2018


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So recounts his arrival in Havana, at the beginning of the 20th century, the protagonist of the Galician work, the writer and Cuban Ethnologist Miguel Benet: took to walking through the city. I cost work understand what they were saying. My Spanish was poor, as much as I tried to learn some words in my village. But the Cuban spoke very fast. The only thing I understood clearly was that they cried out to me with the suitcase and clogs:-there will be a galleguibiri! This was a Galician Galicia which is forced to emigrate to Cuba to get out of the misery of his village, but in Cuba a Galician is any peninsular Spanish, regardless of the autonomous community of origin. Los canarios, Islanders callers are only excluded from this denomination. The Galicians were those who most emigrated to Cuba, followed by Canaries. But while the Galician term has a pejorative nuance, the term island is almost affectionate.

This may be because the Cuban, who is a cultured people, knows that Canary is quite far from the Peninsula and it was colonized by the Spaniards at the same time as Cuba. In addition, los canarios speak a Castilian resembling the Cubans, while Galicians speaking Spanish with Galician accent. Gallegos always were that more arrived in Cuba; When it was a colony of Spain were in the Administration and in the army. At the end of the 19th century, as so many other Spaniards, Galicians emigrated especially to Cuba, Argentina and Uruguay. A little later also Venezuela and Brazil were incorporated as recipient countries of emigration.

In the mid-20th century this emigration to America was replaced by emigration to Germany and some other European country. Gallegos were Spaniards that most emigrated to Cuba and that meant more by how you speak and your character. Therefore, with the passage of time, we were called gallegos all Peninsular Spaniards.

