Buenos Aires

August 23, 2020


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Then, never better average the baptism of detachable aunts. Add to your understanding with Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. It was seven years old, just as my smaller son, when I knew the Paulina aunt. She was the dearest friend of my mother. With her mother cheered up to come single her soul, of other relatives, to Buenos Aires, that nothing had to do with its native Santa Fe. The same Buenos Aires, excited that it when other travellers who went to their province told him of him or the great capital, seemed to Paris. It was scared to him to modest airs few so different ones from native from his terruo.

But the Capital offered the work and the possibilities that its town no longer could give him. And it is thus, that fulfilled the majority of age came with its friend of the soul. Greater than she, even. With the Paulina aunt. Like not wanting it, if it were who had consoled the mother tears, all the trip in train, while the noise of the locomotive did not manage to rock it. Like not loving the Paulina aunt who took metaphorically literal and the mother hand maintained and it until mother, left of to be strange just a little bit just and could learn to walk a little single in the great city. And when in spite of continuing being strange already one grasped them single, it touched the turn to me. It was the one that wove wool caps to me, because it said that the winter was harsh and it cooled the ears to me and that a girl with cold ears could not think or and was necessary for the days that they ran to think or. Or the one that in the name of the harsh winter and behind the back of mother, who knew but that the one became that did not know, gave chocolates me.

