Audeainternet Constancy

August 7, 2020


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Thus, it insists on the importance of being extremely careful with data and images that are published in this medium. For Artemy Rallo, Director of the Agency Spanish of data protection, the right to oblivion has acknowledge the cancellation of personal data that have been collected legitimately so he retires when untill the purpose for which was obtained, so convert to the holder the holder of all of your information, and that such information is not timeless in Internet. The right to oblivion protects the capacity that a person has to remove irrelevant information about itself and to preserve your privacy. Any person who is not the consideration of public character or object of public relevance must resign themselves to their data to circulate on the Internet. The scope of the information circulating on the Internet not only has global reach, but eternal. Examples to the I am referring are clear: a person with twenty years which hang photos of their festivals with friends may be suitable for your environment and age, but compromise their future labor and social. Another example can be the publication of opinions about someone in opinion forums, prevalent in time and that multiplies your access with indexing in search engines like Google. In the latter case they can crash the data protection with freedom of expression, unless it relates to truthful information on public matters of general interest, where prevails this last. Each person we own our own image, honour and privacy, so we must take into account until point can lose control of them when we introduce data and images on the Internet. Therefore we should consider all the legal mechanisms that are offered to be able to cancel all information that flows through this medium, and it has so far not determined relevant legislation, perishable nature. Original author and source of the article

