Assembly General

February 1, 2018


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Precisely countries like Venezuela show clearly how the entrepreneurial essence of the entrepreneur is inhibited, by the combined effect of a set of cultural and ideological factors contrary to the axiological foundational values of the modern social market economy. In this field, our country shows that, at first glance, looks like a curious paradox: as a country of highly entrepreneurs inhabitants, is one of the less competitive internationally. Such contradiction can only be explained as a result of the ocean that exists between the business available to the population and the inability of the State to articulate public policies that promote innovation and international competitiveness of Venezuela. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) (2003) is an international survey which measures the degree of entrepreneurship in a country and He compares it to other countries. The GEM does not distinguish between entrepreneurs formal or informal; Neither distinguishes if the business initiatives endure over time and translates into added value for society. What distinguishes Yes the GEM is among those entrepreneurs that they founded a company, because they want to take advantage of a business opportunity, and those that do by necessity or lack of other options.

According to this sample, Venezuela ranks second on a sample of 31 countries, whose inhabitants reveal a clear business initiative; This is a provision to start a business, or to extend the current business to other opportunities. Venezuela is a great country, which has an enormous potential for development. Above all, it has a population definitely entrepreneurial and eager for business growth opportunities. Unfortunately, these opportunities do not have crystallized, since the own institutional framework, conceived the ideas that inspire and guide our policies in public on one side, and our attitude as businessmen towards the creation of wealth, on the other hand, they constantly conspire against the development of a genuine business sense, business condition is not exclusive of certain climates, nor is it in the genes, but in nature itself that characterized the man as a subject that always aspires to achieve a better future. The moral is, that it is possible to break the vicious circle of impoverishment, for which there is no more that begin to be creative and open-minded in the institutional construction of a productive and equitable society. In any case, identifying them as a first step in the right direction. Change can be traumatic, but entrepreneurship is who can give the example of the course to follow is to them who primarily up to us to take the initiative. After all, they are the first beneficiaries of a market regime which opens a world of opportunities to build new worlds of prosperity and justice.

And you do have a profile entrepreneur? Direccion-e: bibliografia Bilbao, Arantza and Pachano, Susana, traits and attitudes of the Entrepreneurs. CAF-Venezuela competitive project competitiveness Andino. Venezuela, January 2002. SCIENTIFIC trends / 13 Mar 2007. / Merce Castells Lic. in psychology. CHALLENGES OF THE VENEZUELAN EMPRERSARIO AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 21ST CENTURY. Document to the Assembly General of Fedecamaras, July 2005. Prepared by Ignacio De Leon, Ph.d.

