Antilhanos Immigrants

May 17, 2018


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The present article has as thematic main the Antilhanos Immigrants of Porto Velho were based through the use of bibliographical sources, register and iconographic. We analyze the amount of black antilhanos that Caribbean English for Porto Velho influenced for the search of social and economic improvements through the enterprise of the Railroad had immigrated Mamor Wood and even though it are of the railroad scope. We emphasize that we identify average of twenty six blacks of the Antilhas of English settling who had immigrated at the beginning for Porto Velho of century XX. Finally, we obtain to identify the professional activities, that is, we recognize some professions exerted for English the black immigrants of the Antilhas. As well as, we prove that this ethnic group would have to be intitled of antilhanos for if dealing with blacks who had immigrated of the diverse English islands of the Antilhas and not as being barbadianos as they are mentioned in the regional workmanships on the portovelhense historical process.

