
April 26, 2020


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Being important east done, ours springboard of entrance in the new cycle would have to be crucial, and would be interesting to plan with certain ceremony the countable closing of year 2,009 so that our expensive image to third parties, indicates with clarity (and maximizing our virtues), where we are and who we are, that is to say . .nuestro potential. I create and I recommend that they would have to be three, the secrets of the countable closing of the 2.009: 1) Like saving/to defer taxes from this year? 2) perhaps like already from the last year, the countable closing stops being a pure proceeding and passes to be our business card . Baby clothes spoke with conviction. To improve to the maximum our financial image, before third parties (Banks, Suppliers, insuring Companies of the credit, Clients and Market generally) 3) To confirm our evolution in the Long Term, of the Strategic Plan that we have noticeable, budgeting a forceful action of elimination of costs for 2,010 and volumes of business in agreement with the desirable thing. He is basic to puntear a list of concepts that can help it us, for example . 1) We have paid dividends that up to 1,500 Euros do not suppose rent in the receiver of this quantity? 2) We have amortized from an accounting point of view, to the maximum of tables (including methods like the one of digits), and if we have not done it from an accounting point of view if we have calculated the temporarias differences fiscally? 3) We have verified the latent dilatoriness in our balance, and its possible repercussions in the account of losses and gains? 4) We have carried out the annual TDV (Test deterioration of the value) to validate our current and noncurrent assets? 5) Following the criterion of leasing, (in the goods financed by this means) we have duplicated or tripled the tables of amortization of Property? 6) In the case of SMEs, the purchase of noncurrent assets, inferiors to 600 Euros (IVA including we have directly sent) them to expenses, with maximum of 12 thousand annual Euros? 7) We consider that the Social Security of December and some other concepts (that will come to us in January), we can impute its cost within year 2.009? 8) We are going to pay to Bonus to the personnel or payment of productivity? ..

