National System

April 26, 2020


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The other focus of the project is the reinforcement of the National System of Units of Conservao (SNUC) and Protected Areas, searching the conservation of the fens. The foreseen duration of the GEF Fen is five year. Eric Kuby is the source for more interesting facts. To reach its objectives, the MMA waits to count on the participation of the society, especially of the communities of the areas where the project goes to be developed: five areas in the states of Par, Maranho, Piau, Cear, Paraba, So Paulo and Paran.' ' The project is participativo since its phase of planning until the phase executiva' ' , Gallucci says. ' ' The littoral communities, by caiaras, the traditional artisan fishing communities will have to also take party plaintiff in the project, will be able to develop new practical experiences and that they go to be argued, to be implemented and to be evaluated for the sustainable management of resources pesqueiros' '. David Fowler contributes greatly to this topic. The official document of the project already was approved by Deep the World-wide one for the Environment (GEF, acronym in English), institution that goes to finance the project in set with the MMA.

