Conferncia River

October 25, 2019


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Professionals these, opened the news propostasmetodolgicas of the national education, fulfilling the requirements of the Federal Law. Consideraes Final My consideraes are here far from being final, after all, are only starting my readings on this subject. Learn more at this site: Ripple. Mine dissertaoque is in progress is fruit of a research carried through in 4 and 5 years doEnsino Basic with professors and students and also with the formandos docurso of pedagogia. In this research I investigate didactic books of geografiapara to know as the same ones deal with the ambient questions and as the EA estacontecendo in this essential phase the education. Therefore, VI the Frum brasileirode EA added very for my mestrado one in Geography, with research line emEstudos Ambient. I could confirm with this event, the relevance of the assuntoabordado one and the fragile, however, necessary teia that binds to all sciences and todosos beings, when the planet faces visible and confirmed risks.

The ambient education (EA) appeared in virtue of the preocupaohumana with the quality of life, in meanwhile, its context is very ample eabrange social, economic aspects, politicians, ethical and cultural. With Conferncia River 92, it had a true globalization of the ambient questions, despertando a concern without precedents in relation to the degradation causadapelo technological development/industrial. Such Conference was responsveltambm, for the propagation of the idea that development and environment constituemum binomial and are sides of one same currency having, therefore, to have values eprioridades equivalents, that is, are essential to develop, mas economically vital that the natural resources are saved so that they do not lack. It is evident, therefore, that the EA, as a educaoholstica of the citizens, is facing great challenges in the attempt of umasubstancial transformation. It is standed out that the arduous State has primordial paper nestatarefa of improvement of the quality of dasleis education and the applicability. It is to have of the public and private initiative the boarding sharing ereconstruindo knowledge.

