The Patriarch

January 21, 2018


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The eschatological hope has as guarantee the promise of Abrao at the beginning of the History of the People of God. This ‘ ‘ promessa’ ‘ of the part of God the Abrao in the primrdios of the History of the Salvation has perspective and aiming to the future (6). The book of the Gnesis tells the Alliance of God with Abrao in chapters 15 and 17. The narrative of the Alliance in chapter 15 is attributed to the Javista tradition for many authors, tells a strange rite very. Abrao in deep sleep receives the revelation divine, the vision of the animals divided for the half, and for which it passed a fire flame, symbol of God (v.17).

The explanation of this mysterious rite we find in Gn 15,18: ‘ ‘ In that day Iahweh it established an alliance with Abrao in these terms. Your posterity I will give this land, of the river of Egypt until the great river Eufrates’ ‘. This promise that God makes the Abrao includes an Oath. That is one ‘ ‘ promise jurada’ ‘ of the part of God. We know that an oath has felt future, then eschatological (7). The divine promise, that appears in ‘ ‘ pacto’ ‘ , it compromises the Abrao and its descent the allegiance to ‘ ‘ pacto’ ‘ , it establishes an obligation. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Gary Kelly has to say. In chapter 17 of the Gnesis the Alliance of Abrao is mentioned in the text of Sacerdotal literature. The alliance is presented as divine initiative and understands three commitments of God the Abrao: 1) I will relieve you; fruitful; 2) I will give the land to you; 3) I will be your Gods.

