Tag: Software

Backup Program

April 11, 2020


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We must admit that most of us are disciplined enough to regularly back up your data. And when someone says that is easy to cope with daily backups, it is likely forget about such important co-operations such as data compression, automatic assignment of timestamp backups, encryption and integrity check the backup. Automation of these processes – is Why use backup program. By definition, the backup program – it is an application created to protect the information stored on your computer by creating copies (backups), which can be restored, if the information in the original location is damaged or lost. Also, the backup program will help to fully automate all processes, including event logging, summation of the results, etc. Due to the backup program, users can forget about data security and focus on more important things. For more clarity and thought, follow up with David Fowler and gain more knowledge..

Without going into details of various solutions for backup copying data, discuss the main approaches to backup and technologies used: File backup and backup based on the creation of the hard disk. There is a significant difference between backup and file programs to create a disk image. The first type refers to data using standard file system calls the second type of reserve sectors of the hard drive, regardless of the data for sistemy.Vybor backup. Suppose you need to make a backup of the email client such as Outlook. High-quality backup software does not require the user to know exactly where on the disk are the files that need to be copy to save e-mails. You only need to select "Backup Outlook and the program will find one and copy the necessary information carrier informatsiyu.Vybor for backup.

The more The program supports media formats and protocols for data transfer, the better for the user. It is important to be able to copy data to DVD, FTP server or any other medium that does not require the use of software providing a third party. Most of the other features, such as data compression, scheduler, and others vary from program to program and not so important. Looking for a backup program for your PC is best guided by the above criteria and ensure that the program does its job well and works flawlessly.

Google Earth

April 11, 2020


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Undemanding to system resources. FileZilla 3.2.0 – a free FTP-client designed to download and upload (Upload / Download) files from FTP-servers. Supports SOCKS4 / 5, HTTP1.1, SFTP, SSL, GSS, jump file into multiple streams, there are other useful options. Foxit PDF Reader 3.0 build 1301 – a compact and fast program for viewing documents of PDF, not requiring large and therefore slow launching Adobe Reader. Allows you to select and copy text to the clipboard, and search through the text.

Normally works with the Russian language. Interface – multilingual (file finish loading the language directly from the program, which dostochno Click on the menu in its 'Language' and select the desired language). What's new: Fixed some found bugs. Google Earth Free 4.3 – Google Earth (Google Earth) – is a client software to work with three-dimensional model of the Earth, created from satellite photos of high permission. Opportunities to change the scale images (sometimes down to individual houses), and many others, including the coordinates of an object. The map can be viewed from any angle, most of the maps – conventional 2D-image, but some objects (settlements) are presented in the form of three-dimensional models. Comfortable for c Google Earth requires a modern computer and a broadband Internet connection (however, it is possible work and through dial-up, but will only slowly). iTunes – Multimedia processor manufactured by Apple 'all-in-one'. Allows you to listen to music, including the transmitted Internet radio stations, watch videos, convert media, and burn music CDs and DVD.

Internet Information Services

December 9, 2019


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The names of the backup is not can contain any characters, only letters and numbers. 4. Click OK to quickly back up the administrative settings in the metabase. 5. Backup name and its date and time listed in the dialog Previous Backups.

6. Click Close, and then exit IIS Manager. 7. To restore the metabase backup, right-click the computer name in the IIS Manager, select All Tasks, and then click Backup / Restore Configuration. Under Previousbackups, select the name of the file you want, and click Restore. If to enter a password, enter your password.

Create a Metabase Backup script. In IIS 6.0, you can run the file VBScript, Iisback.vbs, to create the metabase backup. Note: You must have administrator privileges to perform this problem. 1. At the command prompt, type cd% Systemroot% System32. Iisback.vbs is in this directory. 2. To use the metabase backup, use the following syntax: Syntax: IIsBack / s / u / p / backup / b / v / e / overwrite 3. For example, you can execute the following script: Cscript.exe iisback.vbs / s / u Administrator / p / backup / b NewBackup0606202 metabase history feature by default, the metabase history feature is enabled in IIS 6.0. The default value is the amount set MaxHistoryFiles 10. Metabase History feature automatically tracks changes in the metabase is written to disk automatically tracks changes to the metabase that are written to disk. When the metabase is written to disk, IIS marks the new Metabase.xml file with the version number and saves a copy of the file in the folder history. Each story is marked with a unique file version number, which will be available for the metabase rollback and recovery processes. A pair of history files consist of MetBase.xml and MBSchema.xml files named with the same principal and minor version number, and stored in history folder. These copies can see only users in the group 'Administrators'. You can find the history folder in the following folder:% Systemroot% system32inetsrvhistory you can roll back the metabase from history files. To do this, follow these steps: 1. In IIS Manager, click the icon Computer's Internet Information Services. 2. Click Action, select All Tasks, and then click Backup / Restore Configuration. 3. In Previousbackups, click one of the files automatically copy the list and then click Restore. Source

PC Magazine

September 8, 2014


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And for the heating and hot water, you can pay, but you can not, if you have your boiler. And from the housing office can depend on many variables. It turns out that a versatile tool that meets all the cases, almost impossible. Only one way out – a program with incredible flexibility, allowing to tune in to any version of the budget. It was this program not so long ago released by K-236 software. This is a budget management system Home9, designed to help our people to control their public utilities (in terms of finance, of course), but when dealing with ZhEKom have solid arguments of type 'Excuse me, I have written down all the moves …. " In support of this program and said that she was among the best programs in 2010 according to the magazine PC Magazine / RE.

Home9 program is a unique constructor of the details of Kotra, as cubes 'Lego', we can build the calculation of its budget just the way you want it to be as close as possible to your individual needs. From a user perspective, the logic of Home9 extremely simple – automatically on the schedule does charge a service fee, and you make matter how much you pay for. That is all that is required from the user. The system is very loyal to the errors – they can always be correct. If you entered something incorrectly or forgot to enter at all, you can always 'back' to make any number of actions – the system will recalculate and the data is relevant.

