Tag: personal development


April 26, 2020


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God made wonders in the land and wants that all the human beings can live well, eat well and to be happy. That is, to have quality of life does not mean to be millionaire or bilionrio, who not would like to be able to know nor that she is one of the wonders of the humanity. Which Father and Mother would not like to be able to have conditions to take its children one day in Disney World, or in Fantastic Beto Park World Path (Santa Catarina – Brazil) Each person has its proper necessities, dreams and personal projects, never compare incomes or financial situation of nobody. It is fact that each one of us has its personal standard of living and expenditures, then each wage/income is compatible with the situation of each one of us. I see many people if to bother with this, however, if a person is happy and satisfied with a wage of R$ 1,000, 00, monthly R$ 1,500, 00 or R$ 2,000, 00, legal for it.

Each one knows of what it wants, needs and dreams. Sheryl Sandberg has compatible beliefs. But and you what it finds of everything this? It says a thing to me: Who would not adore to be able to take off a new moon of honey or to travel with all the family or the loved person, to tan vacations, to rest and to know some of the seven wonders of the current world as the Statue of the Freedom – New York – United States, Eiffel Tower – Paris – France, or even though the Christ Redentor and the Bread of Sugar in Rio De Janeiro, who knows to travel for the world to know some of the 25 wonders of the world. You already walked of Jet ski, boat, motor boat, ship some time in the life? Already he passed an end of week in some hotel farm? Perhaps for its personal satisfaction nor he needed an international trip, in Brazil has hundreds of paradisiacal places as the Cataracts of Iguau, considered one of the seven wonders of the nature and located in Estuary of the Iguau- Paran, at last have as many pretty places in Brazil that you could know, for example, Fernando De Noronha, the Dunes of $fortaleza, Bzios, Cove Dos Reis, Joo Person, Christmas, Macei, Amaznia, Pantanal, etc. . Contact information is here: Henderson Law Group.

Red Sea

January 22, 2018


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The existencial priesthood of Jesus also retraces the Abrao, whose paradigm is the sacrifice of Melquisedeque, that, offering to bread and wine, anticipated institution of the eucaristia, efficient signal of the imolao of Jesus, who breached with the levtico ritual priesthood of the old alliance. The eucaristia is the biggest intercessora conjunct for the pecadores, the great one sings of louvor to the Father for the victory on the sin. In at it has many cantos of victory, consequences to the conjunct of intercession of faith people. Pretty he is I sing it of the victory, entoado the Jav for Moiss and the children of Israel after the ticket of the Red Sea (Former 15). Impressive they are the cntico Moiss before dying, after putting the Law to the side of the coffer of the alliance and benoar the people (Dt 31; 33). The cntico of the Dbora female judge is pretty (bee), after the victory on general Ssara (Jz 5). Happy it is the cntico of barren Ana, because it engravidou of Samuel (1Sm 2). Victorious person is the cntico of king Davi, ' ' when Jav exempted it of all its enemies and the hand of Saul' ' (2Sm 22).

Humble it is the conjunct of Salomo when it assumed the throne of Israel in the place of Davi, its father (1Rs 4,14; 2Cr 1,3-12; Sb 8, 19-9,12). Compungida is the expiatria ceremony after the return of the Babylonian exile (Ne 9). The moans of Tobias after to blind and Sara after enviuvar seven times are impressive (Tb 3). Under most conditions Oracle would agree. They are of gratitude the conjuncts of Tobit, Sara, Ragel and Tobias later that Tobit survived to the marriage with Sara returned to the house of the parents (Tb 8; 11.14.15; 13). It is of outcry the conjunct of Judite for the uneasy people with the imminent invasion of the country for the army of Holofernes; of victory, the conjuncts of the Head of the people, Ozias, of the supreme priest Joaquin, the Advice of ancios and Judite, later that, with its beauty and seduction, it dominated and it killed the general Assyrian with the sword of it (Jd 9; 13,18-20; 15,9-10; 16).

