Servicenummer4you Calls For Equal Treatment By Mobile And Landline

March 12, 2019


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Limited to landline: Federal Minister Glos wants to introduce free queues for 0180-service numbers Federal Minister of Economics Michael Glos is planning a change of the Telecommunications Act (TKG). A design for the introduction of free queues for 0180 service numbers already exists to the departmental vote. The free stay in queues only to callers from the landline network is limited. Queues are still paying for mobile users. The Berlin telecommunications Servicenummer4you sees therein a handicap for mobile users and calls for equal treatment of fixed and mobile telephony. Up to 50 percent more cost lack of transparency call rates for users of mobile phone tariffs make often incomprehensible, because whether to call from a landline or from your mobile phone, the service on the phone remains the same.

Nevertheless customers just in the use of the 0900 service numbers facing up to 50 per cent additional costs. Similar charges are expected for 0137 service numbers and 01805 service numbers. Half-hearted Consumer protection the Bill of free queues for 0180 telephone service numbers Glos envisages a strengthening of consumer protection for Festnetztelefonierer. Mobile users must further accept more costs for calls to service numbers. But EU Commissioner Viviane Reding calls for convergence of mobile phone costs in fixed network costs. A proposal which is also by Servicenummer4you Managing Director Dr. Maik Temme handles.

A TKG change should first call charges from both networks match.”says Managing Director Dr. Maik Temme from Servicenummer4you. Because consumer protection starts especially for the equal treatment of consumers. “, so Temme next.” On the Web page to companies more information and tips about the usage of a 0180 service number can be found. Press contact: a trademark of TC 30 phone service GmbH. Dr. Maik Temme Oranienburger str. 69, 10117 Berlin FON: + 49 30 27 87 42 96 fax: + 49 30 27 87 42 93 E-Mail: Web about provides reliable nationwide telecommunications services. As a service-oriented provider of service numbers and telecommunications services, the Berlin company has many years of experience and excellent know-how in the telecommunications market. Customers are innovative products through the provision of service numbers 0800, 0180, 0900, 0137 and premium SMS available.

