Salaries Financiers

April 30, 2011


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Specialists Personnel Center "UNITY" conducted an analysis of changes in wages of financial professionals since the onset of the crisis to date. According to them, from all the top positions only to the accountant level wage has not changed significantly. As with the fall of 2008, most employers offer from 28000 to 35000 rubles. However, other specialists have lost an average of 30-35%. Wages of some employees was reduced gradually. For example, the upper limit of compensation specialist in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) gradually dropped from 115,000 to 95,000 rubles.

In this case, the proposal now begin with 45000 rubles, while a year ago, started with mark of 70,000 rubles. Dynamics of indicators of other specialties differs sharply reduced. Thus, the average salary economist last fall was 42,000 rubles, to date – 30000 rubles (minus 30%), and fall recorded in March this year, just after the end of the fiscal year. At the same time reduced and compensation for chief accountants. Until the spring average was kept at a level of 75,000 rubles, and in March had already reached 55,000 rubles. Indicators of changes in wages auditor may illustrate one of the trends in recruitment market crisis. "Despite the decline in demand for staff and the corresponding drop in wages, professionals are still at a price – says the head of recruitment department "Finance Personnel Center" unity "Tatyana Chernysheva. – The level of compensation specialist audit firm, the demand for services which today are higher, largely depends on the volume and complexity.

A qualified employee is becoming more clients and income levels rise. But the less experienced can not claim even to pre-crisis average salary. This tend to confirm the results of the study. So, if before the amount of compensation for auditors varied little (60000-65000 rubles), now the lower limit of the interval fell to 45,000 rubles, and top up to 80000 rubles. " By Materials Research Center "UNITY"

