Ports Of Colombia

July 11, 2020


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Manta port authority began last week to meet its responsibility to provide technical assistance in the commercial operation of the shipments carried out in port Itaya, province of Sucumbios, in what comprises the first river section of the Manta-Manaos multimodal axis. The Vice-Ministry of the transport management, in resolution from January 20 of this year, delegated to the port institution so as to provide the technical support in commercial transactions carried out by that property of Petroamazonas Ecuadorian panama ports. Joffre Cedeno alava, technical direction of comprehensive safety of APM, said that the observation of the maneuver of landing 90 metric tons of scrap iron that arrived from Colombia on Board of the city of Leticia tugboat was. In the same way, technicians were responsible for assistance in the departure for the Colombian city of Leticia, Department of Amazonas, 351 metric tons of zinc sheets, rods of iron and cement. Leticia is one important community on this river route given its location bordering with Brazil and Peru.

It is located in the area known as the Tres Fronteras, where lie the villages of Santa Rosa de Yavari (Peru) and Tabatinga (Brazil). The operation performed by the technicians of Manta port authority was rated as satisfactory by the logistic Manager of Amazon Service, Santiago Arroyo. It was an excellent job because with their experience became the receipt and dispatch of the cargo without interruptions of any kind, he said. Arroyo added that port Itaya only alternative in the Amazon for imports and exports of products and goods, even though it has certain limitations because it was built to serve the petroleum activity. Port Itaya is a strategic point for trade, the development of relations with Colombia, Peru and Brazil and, especially, for the future of the port of Manta since it is part of our logistic platform, said the entity manager Guillermo Moran Velasquez. According to the cooperation agreement signed between the Undersecretary of ports of colombia, Petroamazonas and APM, on January 13 this year, the goal is establish a true integral transport policy in the country, enabling planning, definition of strategies and proper multimodal and intermodal coordination to involve the country in the global circuits of transportationwhich are franco takeoff in the Region.

