Editorial Responsibility

September 20, 2020


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In this virtue can have values as the care, acceptance, sobriety, obedience, self-esteem among others avoiding gluttony, drunkenness, lust, pride vanity and cruelty. The fortress is overcome or withstand all obstacles that oppose our purposes, is the habit of the domain itself and truly acting on rational grounds. With this we can obtain values of perseverance, commitment, work. The absence of this virtue would have as a result the cowardice, weakness, timidity and impatience. Justice is to give to each person what he deserves, it inspires us to self-control and treatment with others or our similar. Therefore with this virtue we can practice values as teamwork, solidarity, respect, shared responsibility protection job. Injustice provokes the discontent of many people and it is here where our actions should be taken with prudence and Temperance since our decision must be consistent and always to do good.

In conclusion in order to have a guide on how to instill some values can help us from the above-mentioned virtues which help us together to dominate our passions and control us ourselves all with the purpose of avoiding evil acts and vices. Since no one is born with virtues as parents have a responsibility to start this teaching to their children and get them a good moral start in life. And it is that I do emphasis the parental responsibility since today has noticed parents to delegate this responsibility to the teachers of the schools. Here the key is give a time to cultivate values in children, be aware of their needs concerns as well as their joys and successes. We must not forget that in the family the most important value is love because it is the basis of the family relationship as it is love that everything believes, can do everything. Angel cuts Vieyra Puebla, Pue. Mexico. June 18, 2010 reference: Ethics: theory and application, Agustin Fagothey.

